Saturday, January 30, 2010


A beautiful beautiful place. I had the privilege of visiting with my mother the other day. I found myself growing happier and happier as we followed those arrows in the floor (which are extremely helpful, seeing as the place is HUGE and quite confusing) and gawked at the perfect combinations of streamlined furniture, rugs, and lamps. Never in my life could I match those kinds of things together, but that's the beauty of Ikea, they do it FOR you.

Everything is so practical, I must have seen 80 different things and thought, "wow, I didn't think I needed that, but it would make life so much easier (and/or prettier) if I did"
The frugality of it all is extremely appealing as well. I could do some serious damage there . . . when there are tons of items for $5, $10, and $15, you pick up a bunch without even realizing how they add up. In the end I decided on the following items, and am quite pleased.

I think I may start going there for some sort of visual therapy . . .

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